jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011
miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011
lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011
jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011
martes, 15 de febrero de 2011
jueves, 10 de febrero de 2011
martes, 8 de febrero de 2011
Resumen trabajo Holanda en español

Desde la revuelta del siglo XVI, Holanda se confunde a menudo con la nación holandesa, que es lo más importante.
Holanda, nacido a finales del condado medieval de la desintegración del imperio carolingio y las invasiones normandas, formaba parte de la Lorena, anejo reino definitivamente el imperio germánico en el 925. Después de pasar, la Baja Edad Media, a manos de los duques de Borgoña y luego a los Habsburgo, el condado se desarrolló durante los siglos XVII y XVIII, una provincia de la república holandesa. Bajo la República de Batavia (1795-1810), la provincia de Holanda, desmembrado en un primer momento, forma un departamento central. Subdividido, el departamento dio su nombre al reino a Luis Bonaparte (1806-10). La existencia en los Países Bajos de las provincias holandesas, uno del sur y norte se extiende una rama del departamento creado por la nación francesa.
El país forma parte de la gran llanura del noroeste de Europa. Norte y el oeste, los Países Bajos las fronteras del Mar del Norte al sur con Bélgica y Alemania del Este. Con sus 41.526 km2, de los Países Bajos es un poco más grande que Bélgica y cerca de nueve veces menos que Alemania.
El mismo nombre de los Países Bajos, que también da Países Bajos (Nederland, en cuyo extremo inferior se entenderá el país de la tierra baja) indica su ubicación geográfica en particular. El punto más alto, el Vaalserberg, se encuentra en el extremo sureste, a 321 metros sobre el nivel del mar. En el norte y el oeste hay muchas regiones en el nivel inferior que el nivel del mar, en total más de una cuarta parte del país se encuentra en esta situación. El punto más bajo es 6,70 metros bajo el nivel del mar y se encuentra en un polder (terreno ganado, escurridos y dedicada a la agricultura), cerca de Rotterdam.
Aunque el nombre oficial de la nación es el Reino de los Países Bajos y en el extranjero, y en particular en los países de habla española, el país es más conocido por el nombre de Holanda. Sin embargo, en realidad, este término se refiere sólo a las dos provincias de la costa este, la Holanda del Sur y el Norte de Holanda, que jugó un papel importante en la historia holandesa.
Los Países Bajos es una monarquía constitucional con un sistema parlamentario. El jefe de Estado es la Reina Beatrix. Esto, junto con los ministros de representar a la Corona.
-La familia real
La casa real es la Casa de Orange-Nassau, que está vinculado a los Países Bajos desde el siglo XVI. El fundador de la dinastía es el príncipe Guillermo de Orange (1.533-1.584). El actual jefe de Estado es la Reina Beatrix (nacido en 1938) está casada con el Príncipe Claus de los Países Bajos, Jonkheer van Amsberg (nacido en 1926). Esta pareja real tiene tres hijos: el príncipe Willem-Alexander (nacido en 1967 y heredero de la Corona con el título de "Príncipe de Orange desde 1980, también el jefe de Johan Friso (1968) y el príncipe Constantino (1969) Los derechos de autor se hereda. tanto por línea masculina y femenina, en orden de nacimiento.
-La responsabilidad ministerial
Bajo los términos de la Constitución, el Rey es inviolable, los ministros son responsables ante el Parlamento. Cuando un proyecto de ley, el Consejo de Estado emitió un dictamen sobre el asunto, tras lo cual el Parlamento para aprobar el proyecto. Una vez aprobado por la Reina y los encargados de firmar, después de lo cual la fuerza de la ley.
El Parlamento se compone de dos cámaras. La Sala Primera (Senado) tiene 75 miembros elegidos indirectamente por los miembros de los estados provinciales. La Sala Segunda tiene 150 miembros, elegidos por voto directo de los electores holandeses, es decir, por todos los ciudadanos holandeses mayores de 18 años. Parlamento está al lado del Rey y los ministros de la legislatura, mientras que el ejecutivo está formado por la Reina y los ministros.
-El Consejo de Estado
El Consejo de Estado es el supremo órgano consultivo, que debe ser oído con cada factura. El Jefe de Estado, a la dignidad de su cargo, es presidente del Consejo, que también tiene un vicepresidente y 28 miembros como máximo.
Países Bajos debido a su ubicación geográfica en el corazón de Europa occidental, disfruta de una posición favorable. En un radio de 500 millas, que alberga a cerca de 360 millones de personas. Y en esta área se concentra las industrias más importantes de Europa. La economía holandesa, que es en gran parte orientada hacia los sectores de comercio y transporte, debe necesariamente ir al extranjero. Su ubicación geográfica también ha llevado a los Países Bajos es un país eminentemente adecuado para el establecimiento de industrias. Muchas empresas internacionales han establecido los principales centros de distribución en Europa en los Países Bajos. Muchas empresas de producción que dependen del transporte marítimo de grandes cantidades de materias primas elegir Holanda para establecer un cuartel general. Por otro lado, también hay muchos otros factores que lo hacen atractivo para las empresas de producción holandesa: una industria de suministro de excelente, su clima favorable para los negocios y un mercado laboral que cuenta con personal de alto nivel. No es de extrañar, entonces, se han establecido en los Países Bajos muchas empresas multinacionales y laboratorios de investigación.
La población de los Países Bajos se estimó en 15.892.237 en julio de 2000. En 2000, la tasa nacional de crecimiento de la población fue de 0.57 por ciento. La tasa de natalidad fue 12,12 nacimientos por cada 1.000 personas. La tasa de fecundidad fue de 1,64 hijos por mujer, que está por debajo del nivel de reemplazo. Sin embargo, un gran número de inmigrantes se trasladan a Holanda cada año. La esperanza media de vida para los hombres en los Países Bajos es del 75,4 años y 81,28 años para las hembras.
La mayoría de la población de los Países Bajos son de ascendencia holandesa (91 por ciento). Los holandeses son principalmente de origen germano y galo-celta. El restante 9 por ciento de la población se divide entre las personas de origen marroquí, turco, y fondos de Suriname.
El holandés es el idioma oficial de la nación, pero el Inglés se habla ampliamente. La población es muy educada y capacitada. No es la educación obligatoria hasta la edad de 16 años y la tasa de alfabetización es de casi el 100 por ciento.
''Cultura de Holanda es muy variada y animada. los holandeses se toman inmenso placer en su patrimonio cultural. Arte de toda forma florecer en Holanda. En lo que respecta a la cultura, el país es posiblemente el más conocido por sus pintores que se encontraban entre las más grandes del mundo. Los siglos 19 y 20 fue testigo de la aparición de artistas como Vincent van Gogh y Pieter Cornelis Mondrian.
Holanda tiene museos excepcionales y una notable variedad de la música clásica e innovadora y el teatro. En Holanda, los principales festivales de arte internacionales se celebran cada año. El Festival de Holanda, que se celebró en Amsterdam en junio de cada año, es un festival de música de renombre internacional. cultura de Holanda es también famoso por otras razones. Se ha producido muchos grandes filósofos, astrónomos, escritores y matemáticos.
arquitectura holandesa es también una característica distinguida. Holanda tiene seis monumentos en la Lista del Patrimonio Mundial. El queso es otro producto importante que se ha convertido en un sello distintivo de la cultura holandesa.
jueves, 3 de febrero de 2011
martes, 1 de febrero de 2011
The Netherlands
Since the revolt of the sixteenth century, Holland is often confused with the Dutch nation, which is most important.
Holland, born late medieval county of the disintegration of the Carolingian Empire and the Norman invasions, was part of the Lorraine, annexed kingdom definitely the Germanic empire in 925. After passing, the late Middle Ages, at the hands of the Dukes of Burgundy and then to the Habsburgs, the county developed during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries a province of the Dutch republic. Under the Batavian Republic (1795-1810), the province of Holland, dismembered at first, forms a central department. Subdivided, the department gave its name to the kingdom up to Louis Bonaparte (1806-1810). The existence in the Netherlands of the Dutch provinces, a southern and a northern branch extends the department created by the French nation.
In the late ninth century, Count Gerulf, before last of the Counts of Holland, replaced on the banks of the North Sea last Norman chief authority for his. His successors sought to enlarge the territory. In fight against the dominance of the prince-bishops, the changed situation occurred with Dirk V (1061-1091), who had been the first to formally claim the title of Count of Holland. The decline of Utrecht was related to the decline in imperial influence in the twelfth century, symbolized by the decay function in the lower ducal Lorraine.
The county of Holland was actively involved in economic development of Europe in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Population growth was accompanied by a notable increase in agriculture, characterised by the transition from the stately Sunday. Rural emancipation was conditioned by the entry into operation of new-polder lands and land reclamation, and dried by a massive immigration movement to Eastern Europe.
On the other hand, depression of the XIV and XV, very hard in the field did not affect the Dutch economy and craft business. The cloth industry in decline in Brabant and Flanders, experiences a new splendour in the Netherlands. Maritime expansion was spectacular. From the fifteenth century, the Dutch replaced the Hanseatic trade and captured freight in the Baltic and the Atlantic, which were very fruitful.
Through social and political conflict that brought economic development was an increase county. This was supported by the noble and ennobled in the service of Prince, and the bourgeoisie, artisans, while the states (reunited for the first time in 1305) were dominated by the feudal nobility and the urban patricians. With the increasing dependence of the prince to States deepened the conflict between the haves and the central power. Each dynastic succession caused a crisis difficult. The States of Holland in 1362 and the States General in 1477 tried unsuccessfully to reverse the balance of power. Instead, the uprising of the Estates General of 1576 was decisive. But independence was born of revolt, but not the balance of power.
In the States of Holland, when in 1572 became the armed resistance, they revolted openly declared in default. To recognize unilaterally the taciturn William I, Prince of Orange, as stadholder of Philip II of Spain, held the idealistic fiction. It took the ban, the Silent for them, in turn, proclaimed in 1581 the deposition of Philip II. This reluctance shows the true nature of the uprising, which only opposed the centralizing policy of Philip II and not the monarchy. You justified by an appeal to tradition, although this refers to an idealized past in fact masked revolutionary political ambitions.
Since 1581, the States offered sovereignty to the highest bidder strictly defined and limited. Following two unfortunate experiences, one with the Duke of Anjou, and one with the Earl of Leicester, after the double rejection by France and England and the premature death of the Silent, finally resigned themselves to a vacancy unlimited sovereignty. States who were, after 1587, assumed the sovereignty without ever officially proclaimed a republic.

Holland is located between 50 º 45 'and 53 º 52' North latitude 3 º 21 'and longitude 7 º 13'de. The country is part of the great plain of north-western Europe. North and west, Netherlands borders the North Sea to the south with Belgium and East Germany. With its 41,526 km2, the Netherlands is a bit larger than Belgium and about nine times less than Germany.
The very name of the Netherlands, which also gives Netherlands (Nederland, in which nether end means low land country) indicates its particular geographical location. The highest point, the Vaalserberg, lies in the extreme southeast, to 321 meters above sea level. In the North and West there are many regions on lower level than sea level, in total more than a quarter of the country is in this situation. The lowest point is 6.70 meters under sea level and is in a polder (reclaimed land, drained and devoted to agriculture) near Rotterdam.
Although the official name of the nation is the Kingdom of the Netherlands and abroad, and particularly in Spanish-speaking countries, the country is better known by the name Holland. However, in reality this term refers only to the two provinces of the east coast, the South Holland and North Holland, which played an important role in Dutch history.
For a country situated on the sea, fishing and trade play an important role. Added to this is that the Netherlands is located in the common delta of three major European rivers (Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt). Therefore, the country had to orient its economy toward l widely abroad. Since the Middle Ages, the Netherlands has major seaport, which places the country in communication with a vast expanse of land that extends to much of western and central Europe. These external relations are of importance pit for trade and transport. Also, allows many agricultural and industrial enterprises to import raw materials, fuel and other items. Many of the products manufactured are exported to the world.

The Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. The head of state is Queen Beatrix. This together with the ministers represent the Crown. The official name is Kingdom of the Netherlands. The government has its sedentary in The Hague, but Amsterdam is the capital of the kingdom
-The Royal Family
The royal house is the House of Orange-Nassau, which is linked to the Netherlands from the sixteenth century. The founder of the dynasty is the Prince William of Orange (1533-1584). The current head of state is Queen Beatrix (born 1938) is married to Prince Claus of the Netherlands, Jonkheer van Amsberg (born 1926). This royal couple have three sons: Prince Willem-Alexander (born in 1967 and heir to the Crown with the title "Prince of Orange from 1980, are also the chief Johan Friso (1968) and Prince Constantine (1969). The Royalty is inherited by both male and female line, in order of birth.
-Ministerial Responsibility
Under the terms of the Constitution, the King is inviolable, the ministers are accountable to Parliament. When a bill, the State Council issued an opinion on the matter, after which the Parliament to approve the project. Once approved by the Queen and the sign makers, after which the force of law.
The Queen appoints ministers on the proposal of forming government. This usually tends to act as Chairman of the new government. Political parties forming the government, are divided among themselves the different ministries. Ministers together form the Council of Ministers, whose main task usually involves taking decisions about government policy. The government may appoint secretaries of state, which can become deputy. These secretaries of state assume political responsibility for the activities assigned to it, and they can be invited in the meetings of the Council of Ministers, where they have a consultative vote.
Parliament consists of two chambers. The First Chamber (Senate) has 75 members elected indirectly by members of the provincial states. The Second Chamber has 150 members, elected by direct vote for the Dutch electorate, that is, by all Dutch citizens over 18 years. Parliament is next to the King and the ministers the legislature, while the executive is formed by the Queen and ministers.
-The State Council
The State Council is the supreme advisory body, which must be heard with every bill. The Head of State, for the dignity of his office, is president of the Council, which also has a deputy chairman and 28 members at most. The appointments are for life, but when they turn 70 years old retire. The affairs is the responsibility of the vice presidency. The crown prince has a seat on the Council from 18. Board members are appointed by the Crown on the basis of their competence in the administrative field.
-The Judiciary
The judiciary is independent. All courts consist of judges who are appointed for life, but at age 70 retire. In the Netherlands there is no case law from the jury. The administrative court has been given to 62 district courts, 19 district courts, five courts of appeal and the Supreme Court appeal, the district courts and the district judge at first instance. They can then appeal against their sentences in a district court or an appellate respectively. Each appellate court has under its jurisdiction a number of district courts.
The Supreme Court is the highest court of the nation can. It consists of a president, six vice presidents and about 25 judges. All of these judges is authorized to annul the judgments of lower courts. Moreover, the facts are accepted as they have been verified by the judges. The Supreme Court's main task is to oversee the uniform application of law.
Netherlands due to its geographical location in the heart of Western Europe, enjoys a favourable position. In a radius of 500 miles, home to about 360 million people. And in this area is concentrated the major European industries. The Dutch economy, which is largely oriented towards trade and transportation sectors, must necessarily go abroad. Its geographical location has also led to the Netherlands was a country eminently suitable for the establishment of industries. Many international companies have established major distribution centers in Europe in the Netherlands. Many production companies that depend on sea transport of large quantities of raw materials choose Holland to establish a headquarters. On the other hand, there are also many other factors that make it attractive for Dutch production companies: an excellent supply industry, its favourable climate for business and a labour market that has high-level personnel. No wonder, then, are established in the Netherlands many multinational companies and research laboratories.
The population of the Netherlands was estimated to be 15,892,237 in July of 2000. In 2000, the nation's population growth rate was 0.57 percent. The birth rate was 12.12 births per 1,000 people. The fertility rate was 1.64 children born per woman, which is below the replacement level However, a large number of immigrants move to the Netherlands each year. The mortality rate is 8.72 deaths per 1,000 people. The infant mortality rate is 4.42 deaths per 1,000 live births. Those over the age of 65 make up 14 percent of the population, and this group is expected to double in size over the next 20 years. The average life expectancy for males in the Netherlands is 75.4 years and 81.28 years for females.
The majority of the people of the Netherlands are of Dutch ancestry (91 percent). The Dutch are primarily of Germanic and Gallo-Celtic origins. The remaining 9 percent of the population is split between people of Moroccan, Turkish, and Surinamese backgrounds.
Dutch is the official language of the nation, but English is also widely spoken. The population is highly educated and skilled. There is mandatory education through age 16 and the literacy rate is near 100 percent. The Netherlands has a relatively low rate of religious affiliation.
The majority of people live in urban areas Its average population density is 369 per square kilometre. The most densely populated area of the country is known as the Randstad and includes the coastal regions of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Utrecht.
Holland's culture is varied and lively. Dutch people themselves take immense delight in their cultural heritage. Arts of every form flourish in Holland. When it comes to culture, the country is possibly most renowned for its painters who were amongst the greatest in the world. Holland's cultural life attained an international reputation during the 17th century, which is often referred to as the country's Golden Age. Well-known figures of the Golden Age include the great 17th-century Dutch artists Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn, Johannes Vermeer, and Jan Steen. The 19th and 20th centuries witnessed the emergence of artists such as Vincent van Gogh and Pieter Cornelis Mondrian.
Holland has exceptional museums and a remarkable variety of classical and innovative music and theatre. the Netherlands has the highest museum density in the world. the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam,
In Holland, major international arts festivals are held every year. The Holland Festival, held in Amsterdam in June every year, is an internationally distinguished music festival. Holland culture is also famed for other reasons. It has produced many great philosophers, astronomers, writers and mathematicians.
Dutch architecture is also a distinguished feature. Holland has six monuments on the World Heritage List. Cheese is another important product that has become a hallmark of Dutch culture. Several orchestras are based in towns and cities throughout the country. The natives are keen on sport and fitness, music, social clubs and organized events. Above all, Holland is considered to be one of the most liberal countries in the world.